Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SLA crush LTTE defences: fall of Nachchikuda imminent

Troops of the Task Force -1, launched a multi-pronged offensive at the LTTE's western coastal bastion at Nachchikuda, from early this morning (Oct 28), most decisive since August, after fighting brokeout between troops and LTTE to gain dominance of the vital terrain.

The military offensive was mounted with intense artillery fire and infantry support as troops threw back LTTE counter attacks, destroying and capturing vital terror positions in the area. The military battle formations were drawn from the North and South of Nachchikuda, scoring heavy LTTE casualties. The fall of Nachchikuda is imminent as troops are now poised to launch an all-out offensive at the remaining terrorist strong points.

The LTTE has being attempting to stall the military advance along the A-32 Mannar -Pooneryn main road, especially Nachchikuda, defence observers said adding that the loss would worsen the LTTE's hope of survival along the western coast. The Western coast remains to be the main life line for the LTTE since the double blow following the liberation of east and denial of the A-9 trunk road.

Also, troops positioned at Kunchchikulama and North of Manniyankulama stepped-up assaults at identified LTTE locations further extending its dominance in the area, Wanni defence sources said.

Meanwhile, fighting was reported South of Jayapuram as troops continued running into LTTE defences. Military claimed heavy LTTE casualties in the hours long confrontations, reported since early this morning.

The gain of Nachchikuda remains to be the main prize for military, after the fall of Vidattaltivu, a main LTTE sea tiger base in the western coast. The military offensives launched by the Task Force -1, under the command of Brigadier Shaveendra Silva in the western coast in Kilinochchi District, are aimed at opening a humanitarian land supply route while also denying supply lines for LTTE.

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