Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A large LTTE boat, boats manufacturing yard and LTTE torture camp found - west of Puthukudiyirippu

Troops of 58 Division on final phase of the Wanni liberating offensive uncovered the largest LTTE boat ever found during the Wanni offensive from northwest of Puthukudiyirippu yesterday, 23 February. A boats manufacturing yard and LTTE torture camp were also uncovered in further search and clear operations military sources said.

The recovered sea tiger boat is nearly 60 feet long, military sources said.

LTTE terrorists have removed the engine and other accessories of the boat and abandoned it on a trailer when it was recovered by the troops.

Troops in further search and clear operations were able to locate the boats manufacturing yard in 500m away this morning, 24 February. Machineries used for the boat production, prototype of the boat and the removed accessories of the boat were also found from the boat yard, military sources added.

Meanwhile, an LTTE torture camp in which many cells with doors made of iron bars was also found by the troops operating in the west of Puthukudiyirippu yesterday, 23 February.

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